Kun tuli Joulun aikaan maisteltua mm. Belhavenin Wee Heavya. Tuli mieleen jotta millainen voisi olla oma pikku satsi saman tyylistä olutta.
Scottish Wee Heavy Ale |
English & Scottish Strong Ale |
Type: Ale | Category Number: 11B |
Original Gravity: 1,075-1,100 SG | Color: 19,7-92,6 EBC |
Final Gravity: 1,018-1,035 SG | Bitterness: 20,0-40,0 IBU |
Carbonation: 1,5-2,3 vols | Alcohol by Volume: 6,90-9,00 % |
Description: Extremely strong ale, always sweet, malty and often dark in color. Alcohol content approaching that of a weak barley wine at the high end. | |
Profile: Slightly roasted caramel flavor that is sweet and malty. Clean alcohol flavor. Rich body, with little or no hop flavor and aroma. Deep amber to dark brown in color. | |
Ingredients: English or Scottish pale malt. Roasted malts. English hops. Scottish or High Gravity Ale yeast. | |
Examples: Belhaven Wee Heavy, Hale's Ales Wee Heavy, J.P Grays Wee Heavy |
Strong Scotch Ale |
Scottish and Irish Ale |
Type: Ale | Category Number: 9E |
Original Gravity: 1,070-1,130 SG | Color: 27,6-49,3 EBC |
Final Gravity: 1,018-1,035 SG | Bitterness: 17,0-35,0 IBU |
Carbonation: 1,6-2,4 vols | Alcohol by Volume: 6,50-10,00 % |
Description: Extremely strong ale, always sweet, malty and often dark in color. Alcohol content approaching that of a weak barley wine at the high end. Also known as "Wee Heavy Ale." | |
Profile: Med to full body. Deep malty flavor with some caramel evident. Clean alcohol flavor. Rich body, with little or no hop flavor and aroma. Light copper to dark brown color. Low to moderate esters and alcohol. | |
Ingredients: Well modified English or Scottish pale malt. Up to 3% roasted barley. Crystal for color. English hops. Scottish or High Gravity Ale yeast. May add smoked malt for "peaty" flavor. | |
Examples: Traquair House Ale, Orkney Skull Splitter, McEwan's Scotch Ale, Broughton Old Jock, Belhaven Wee Heavy, Hale's Ales Wee Heavy, J.P Grays Wee Heavy, Gordon Highland Scotch Ale |
Joten siis jos ajattelisi tekevänsä 12 litraa jotakin tuon tyylistä, saattaisi se näyttää tältä.
3,60 kg Pale ale
0,36 kg Cara-amber
0,18 kg Crystal
0,09 kg Black / Roasted
20 g E.K.G 90 min
5 g Fuggle 10 min
Mäskäys vakiolämpötila mäskäyksellä 70~73C 120 - 150 min.
OG ~1.082
FG ~1.019
~8,2% alc
48 EBC
22 IBUJos käyttäisi Nottinghamia hiivana tulisi kokonaisuudelle hintaa 8,97€. Eli 0,75€ litra eli 0,25€ pullo(0,33l).
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